There is much to prepare when you are going to make a photo shutting day of the new collection of your brand. Hours of preparation, logistics, concepts and more, so this day was really special. Especially because nothing worked as we had planned.
We decided that the photos of our new upcoming collection 'Poder Natural' (Natural Power) should be in the "Farallones of Cali".

(the Farallones national natural park of Cali is one of the 59 protected areas of the system of national natural parks of Colombia and one of the oldest, created in 1968. It is also one of the most important protected areas of the country since being inside the bio-geographic chocó area, which is one of the most diverse in the world...)
Back to my story,
We arrived a bit late to the place of the photos but we had the time to achieve it, we began the photo shooting and everything was flowing... And just when we were at the point of greatest action, fluidity, inspiration began a super-strong rain.
We all look at each other and without speaking we just continue... Getting wet in the heavy rain.
In a moment it rained so hard, that I personally stressed and thought that we were not going to achieve our daily goal, seeing my team gave me strength, also the river and nature, they were with us, showing us exactly what natural power is, the power of life itself, the one you don't plan on, the one that simply is and is full of magic.
We continue, but then again the rain was strong and we all begin to doubt and we said "Well, we have to leave now"
Then like in a good movie Marco appeared a very special old man who lives in a 20-hectare reserve that he bought 30 years ago, he protects the trees, birds, collects native seeds and harvests the water a guardian of sacred land.
Marco smiled, he asked us what we were doing in the middle of the forest and the rain taking photos and invited us to come to his house.
A place that I can describe as a true paradise on earth
Full of birds of all colors, sizes, and sounds. At that moment it stopped raining, the sun came out, the Barranquero (one of the birds that are inside the collection) came to visit us, and we were able to finish taking the photos in beautiful locations
The rain was our ally, (and of course Marco) water is life and the power of life itself the kind of life you don't plan on, the one that simply is and it's full of magic.
Just lets trust and connect with the natural power